05/12/2021 Daily Enlightenment - 日日觉
Venerable Sariputta, considered the first of Buddha’s two chief disciples, addressed a group of bhikkhus while pointing to a block of wood:
- “Do you see, friends, that large block of wood?
- If he wished so, a bhikkhu who has attained mastery of mind might focus on that block of wood as earth. What is the basis for this? Because the earth element exists in that block of wood.
- If he wished so, a bhikkhu who has attained mastery of mind might focus on that block of wood as water … as fire … as air. What is the basis for this? Because the water element … the fire element … the air element exists in that block of wood.
- If he so wished, a bhikkhu who has attained mastery of mind might focus on that block of wood as beautiful … as ugly. For what reason? Because the element of beauty … the element of ugliness exists in that block of wood.”
The Tripitaka🧘🏻
- “朋友,你看到那块大木头了吗?
- 如果他愿意的话,一个已经证悟本心的比丘可以专注于那块木头为土。 何以故? 因为那块木头里有土的元素。
- 如果他愿意的话,已经证悟本心的比丘可以专注于那块木头,为水……为火……为风。 何以故? 因为水的元素……火的元素……风的元素存在于那块木头之中。
- 如果他愿意,一位已经证悟本心的比丘可以专注于那块木头为美丽的……丑陋的。 何以故? 因为美的元素……丑的元素存在于那块木头中。”