17/12/2021 Daily Enlightenment - 日日觉
Ignoring reproaches,
Heedless to warnings,
Carelessly passing by, how can this clouded mind be led?
Following useless desires,
Provoking anger for no reason,
Raising discrimination daily,
My wisdom is laughable. Whom can I blame?
Like a moth flying to the flame unknowingly rushes
To a timely death,
Without practicing to attain one's mind,
Keeping precepts avails no merit at all.
Ah, how pitiful!
- Zen Master Kyong Ho
鬆懈散漫 莫慎之
何以轉化 此愚癡昏迷心識?
恣縱貪欲 無故瞋怒
我等劣智豈可笑 猶可怪責誰?
如同燈蛾撲火 不知死亡之將至
若未能修行見性 證此心
堅守戒律條文 雖稍有福德 亦莫能助
鳴呼 既是寒心 亦是可悲矣!
- 鏡虛禪師