
卫塞莲花 Vesak Lotus

观音禅林将在下个月 1/4 开始筹备制作2025年卫塞莲花。






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KYCL will begin making Vesak lotuses on 1st April in preparation for the upcoming celebration.

- Big Lotus – $200

- Small Lotus – $80

We would be grateful for your support in getting a lotus.

Please click the link below to register:


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3-Day Muar Zen Retreat

KYCL Muar Meditation Centre 3-Day Zen Retreat is now open for registration!

For more information or to access the registration form, please click on our bio or visit: https://tinyurl.com/3DayRetreatApr2025

You can also contact our Zen Centre:

Phone: 6392 0265

Email: zen@kyclzen.sg




电话:6392 0265



Diamond Sutra Practice

KYCL Lotus Zen Centre will have Diamond Sutra Practice every Friday at 8:00pm. 🙏


7:30pm - Sitting Meditation

8:00pm - Diamond Sutra Practice

Everyone is welcome to join 🙏.

Kwan Yin Chan Lin Zen Meditation Centre




7:30pm 静坐

8:00pm 诵《金刚经》

欢迎大家一起前来共沾法益 🙏。



Vesak Day Celebration 2024

The annual Vesak celebration has concluded successfully. Kwan Yin Chan Lin would like to extend our gratitude to everyone for their participation. Your presence made our Vesak celebration an unforgettable occasion for all. We also deeply appreciate the presence of our Guest of Honor, Senior Minister of State Low Yen Ling. Her support meant a lot to us and significantly contributed to the overall success of the event. Our volunteers also helped us through their dedication and hard work. It would not be possible without them. Together, you have all helped to create a warm and joyful atmosphere that captured the spirit of Vesak. We are deeply grateful for your contributions and look forward to celebrating many more such joyous occasions together. Please enjoy this video recap we made for you🙏🪷😁

一年一度的卫塞节又圆满了。观音禅林非常感谢所有参加活动的人!你们的参与确保了活动的每一个环节都充满意义。你们让禅林的卫塞节庆祝活动成为大家都难忘的节日。 禅林也深深感谢我们的贵宾,高级政务部长刘燕玲的出席。她的支持对我们意义重大,并对活动的整体成功做出了重要贡献。 义工们的努力和付出也让这活动可以圆满举行。 我们大家一起帮助创造了一个温暖和欢乐的氛围,充分体现了卫塞节的精神。禅林对你们的贡献深表感谢,并期待着一起庆祝更多这样的欢乐时刻。 请欣赏这段禅林为大家准备的回顾短片🙏🪷😁

Vesak Celebration Dharma Talk at by Zen Master Dae Bong on May 19th 2024

Zen Master Dae Bong is the Regional Teacher for Asia in Kwan Um School of Zen. He practiced with the late Zen Master Seung Sahn since 1977 and became a monk in 1984. In 1999, he received transmission. In addition to teaching Zen and leading meditation, Zen Master Dae Bong has served as Abbot for a total of 30 years in various Zen Centres including Seung Sahn International Zen Centre - Musangsa.

Vesak Celebration Dharma Talk at by Gye Mun Sunim on May 20th 2024

Ven. Chi Boon, also known in Korean as Gye Mun Sumin JDPS, is the founding abbot and guiding teacher of Kwan Yin Chan Lin Zen Meditation Centre. He was given ‘Inka’ on 8 November 1998 by Zen Master Seung Sahn.

‘Inka’ means an acknowledgment of breakthrough in Zen practice and authority to teach Zen to others. The title given at ‘Inka’ is Ji Do Poep Sa which is Guides to The Way or Dharma Masters.

Thousand Hands and Eyes Sutra chanting by Hye Tong Sunim (play).

For more of such chanting practice, please visit our YouTube (click)


Join our Retreat

One day, Bodhidharma and Huineng were walking up Few Houses Mountain. Suddenly Bodhidharma turned back and asked Huineng, “Where are we going?”

Huineng replied, “Master, just go straight!”

Bodhidharma then said, “If that’s how it is, we cannot even take a single step.”

If you were Huineng, how would you have answered?